Monday, 11 January 2010

Miles and miles of squares.

Admitting that a particular Idea is not of the Good variety is hard. BUT, rising like a phoenix out of the ashes of the Different-Sized-Squares-Blanket-Idea! Same-Sized-Squares-Blanket-Idea! After working out that I'd need to do, um, a lot of working out in order to make the different-sized granny squares fit together into any semblance of blanket-shape (and not Abomination shape) I decided to add a few rounds to each and be dull and practical.

Laid out

I can't bear sitting and working things out when it comes to knitting or crochet. I like mindless, therapeutic, stress-free yarn craft. Hence I've never managed to graduate past Grade 1 sock knitting (I passed with a distinction in Stocking Stitch). I can't concentrate on the inimitably witty dialogue in Corrie (sadly bereft of Blanche of course) if one of my lobes is wrestling with the 'beauty' of symmetry and other mathematical horrors. I can't follow subtitles if I'm fiddling about with cables and counting rows. So same-sized squares it had to be.

Crochet squares

Excuse the poor light. (brought to you courtesy of the last tungsten filament bulbs in the house). Even the dog is unimpressed. ("I'm positively sallow! The horror! Get me into Make-Up now!")


After hours and hours of crocheting squares, I then had to find a way to join them together. I couldn't bear sewing (a bit like: never mix the grape and the grain. Never mix the sewing needle and the crochet hook) so I hooked them together. It took me right through the Christmas holidays and into the New Year but here it is, finished, looking more like itself than it did under the tungsten light (hmm, I know the feeling):


It's in the snow in our back garden, although it looks like a magic floating blanket due to my impeccable skills in photography. Talking of snow, (and poor photography!) the only good thing I've found about it is that it's brought these into our garden:


It's a redwing! I usually only get to see these and their pals Fieldfares out in the distant fields in winter, but the snow's covered up their usual food supply and both have been forced to the Hamnett Bird Restaurant (an extensive menu featuring niger seeds and apples. Book a table early to avoid disappointment). I've been transfixed. My dyeing table is right next to the window so I've been spending lots of time bird-spotting in the warmth (the best type of bird watching!). Here's my fave from this week's dyeing session:


Carnival. It's so bright and cheerful...I want to cast it on now! The dyeing table is calling again so I'd better go and get some more bird watching more dyeing done now...!


  1. Hello again! Your blanket is simply beautiful. I love everything about it, the style, the same-sized granny squares and the beautiful colours. Its fab! Love your little dog too. Must go and look at your latest yarns too because I love the colours. Ros

  2. The colours in your photographs are amazing! Wish I could get my photos to come out like that.

  3. Super funky blanket:-) I bet it's toasty yummy yum yum! can I be cheeky and ask you what yarn you made it from?

  4. Hi Em!
    Ah, it's a bunch of leftovers! Some Cascade 220, some Debbie Bliss aran and cashmerino baby...hmmm let's see, what else...oh a ball of Patons cotton to crochet it all together! I couldn't believe how much I had in my stash :-0 It didn't cost a thing! x

  5. Thanks Ros! It's a bargain blanket as I searched high and low for leftovers (found SO MANY!). Granny blankets are great for tiny bits of yarn! x

  6. Thanks Rhian! Ah you don't see behind the scenes - the deleting of 100's of photos that were not the right colours :D and the ones with my thumb in front of the lens ;-) xxx

  7. oops forgot the nice green-yellow colour is some Rowan Wool cotton too! x

  8. Lovely blanket! I'm going to make one this year too! Can only echo the previous comments! And you are a very bad (or is it good?!) enabler, putting that photo of your latest dyed yarn there! I just visited your shop and bought 3 skeins!!!! All essential purchases, of course!

  9. That blanket is so lovely, the colours work beautifully together. I also love the sock yarn. I got the yarn I ordered from you on Saturday yesterday and it's so wonderful, I'll definitely be ordering more in future. Thank you so much!

  10. Ooo, that is so very cool; a true stash buster. Now wheres my crochet hooks?.....goes off to rummage in stash bag....

  11. Love the new stash-busting blanket! what a triumph ;)
    Dylan should definitely be more impressed than he looks, he he!!

  12. Just found your re-directed site. I didn't have time to et my jam sandwiches, so I'll have them for tea. LOVED the 'Carnival' yarn that I bought by the way. The colours are absolutely divine. Almost too good to knit!!!!! Enjoy your weekend! Ros


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