Tuesday, 9 June 2009

Oranges and Liesls

I finished the Purple Liesl! I have just to weave in some ends and add buttons. Trouble is, it's come out a bit small.

Liesl small

Hahahah! Oh, OK, you got me - slight exaggeration on the 3 inches front...but trust me. This is small. Well, it's done now. It just needs some hefty blocking (= steam iron, swearing, glass of wine) and it will fit. it WILL.

Meanwhile, new stash arrived (*guilty face*) to make another one. Still life with oranges:

Orange yarn

Any excuse to get the 60's pottery out!

Anyone doing a Knit in Public day on Saturday? I'll be at the one near to us in Bath, hope to see you there!


  1. Pottery + yarn = drool!

  2. I have to admit that the first time I saw the picture at the top, I though "Oh my goodness! She's knitting for dolls!"
    Felt a bit silly after…


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